Saturday, November 30, 2019

Operation Management free essay sample

Hard Rock uses these ten critical decisions of operational management; â€Å"Service and product design, Quality management, Process and capacity design, Location, Layout design/Job design, Supply-chain management, Inventory management, Scheduling and Maintenance†. These practices give the Hard Rock Cafe an edge in meeting new and growing needs of the restaurant, and entertainment industry. The service and product design Hard Rock sells is not just food, it’s a statement and a storied culture that has changed with time as we do as people. The â€Å"living on the edge† crowd of the 1980s can still live a little on the edge today in a Hard Rock restaurant, casino or even in a rock concert. The company is selling the feeling of still being a rebel. Hard Rock Cafe has grown into a successful industry that was once limited to a twenty something budget to grow with the wallets of the generation that gave birth to it. We will write a custom essay sample on Operation Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The quality management has been a key factor providing an environment that people want to continue to come back to. High quality products such as gourmet food, quality merchandise, and excellent service have kept the Hard Rock from dying. The individual sight managers alongside with the overall operation managers are responsible for maintaining the high quality products and environment that people expect to find there. Hard Rocks process and capacity design along with location selection are chosen based on high population areas with specific geographic requirements to ensure a large volume of customers. The location chosen requires a high capacity facility that is capable of serving its large number of customers. This is accomplished not just by size but by layout design and the efficient flow of  product and delivery of that product. That product flow along with a good human resources and job design are a crucial part of managing a Hard Rock. The management of the supply-chain and inventory/material is another essential part of Hard Rocks success. Managers have to purchase the correct equipment and supplies needed to efficiently produce the high quality products and take into account how much inventory is required and when to restock. This takes good data analysis and continually requires review to ensure proper inventory of supplies at all times. Lastly, managers need to take into account intermediate and short-term scheduling along with when to perform maintenance on equipment and facilities. Planning on high business times of the year managers can schedule preventative maintenance during the slower parts of the year. In the same way they can schedule part time employees to accommodate the influx of customers during busier parts of the year. Works Cited Professor Barry Render, J. H. (2013). Case Analysis on the Hard Rock Cafe. Trident University.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The North American and Western Larch

The North American and Western Larch The native range of the Tamarack, or Larix laricina, occupies the coldest regions of Canada and the northern-most forests of central and northeastern United States. This conifer was named tamarack  by native American Algonquians and means wood used for snowshoes but has also been called eastern tamarack, American tamarack, and hackmatack. It  has one of the widest ranges of all North American conifers. Although thought to be a cold-loving  species, tamarack  grows under extremely varied climatic conditions. It can be found in isolated pockets in West Virginia and Maryland and in disjunct areas of interior Alaska and the Yukon. It can easily survive average January cold temperatures from -65 degrees F to warm July temperatures that exceed 70 degrees F. This toleration of climate extremes explains its wide distribution. The extreme cold of northernmost strands will affect its size where it will remain a small tree, attaining a height of about 15 feet. Larix laricina,  in the pine family  Pinaceae,  is a small to medium-size  boreal  conifer that  is uniquely  deciduous where needles annually turn a beautiful yellow color and drop in autumn. The  tree  can grow to 60 feet in height on certain sites with  trunk  growth that can exceed 20 inches in diameter.  Tamarack can tolerate a wide range of soil conditions but grows most commonly, and to its maximum potential, on wet to moist organic soils of  sphagnum and woody peat. Larix laricina is very intolerant of shade but is an early pioneer tree species that invades bare wet organic soils by seeding. The tree typically appears first in swamps, bogs, and muskeg where they start the long process of forest succession.   According to  one U.S Forest Service report, the principal commercial use of tamarack in the United States is for making pulp products, especially the transparent paper in window envelopes. Because of its rot resistance, tamarack is also used for posts, poles, mine timbers, and railroad ties. The key characteristics used for the identification of tamarack: This is the only eastern conifer with deciduous needles arranged in radiating clusters.Needles are growing from blunt spurs in groups of 10 to 20.Cones are small and egg-shaped with no visible  bracts between scales.Foliage turns yellow in autumn. The Western Larch or  Larix occidentalis Western larch or Larix occidentalis is in the pine family Pinaceae  and often called western tamarack. It  is the largest of the larches and most important timber species of the genus Larix. Other common names include  hackmatack, mountain larch, and Montana larch. This conifer, when compared to Larix laricina, has a range that is much reduced to just four U.S. states and one Canadian province- Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. Like the tamarack, western larch is a deciduous conifer whose needles turn yellow and drop in autumn. Unlike tamarack, western larch is very tall, being the largest of all the larches and reaching heights of over 200 feet on preferred soils. The habitat for  Larix occidentalis  is on mountain slopes and in valleys and can grow  on swampy ground. It is often seen growing with Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine. The tree does not do as well as tamarack when dealing with broad changes in climatic factors as a species. The tree  grows in a relatively moist-cool climatic zone, with low temperature limiting its upper elevational range and deficient moistures its lower extremes- it is basically limited to the Pacific northwest and to the states mentioned. Western larch forests are enjoyed for their multiple resource values including timber production and aesthetic beauty. The seasonal change in hue of larchs delicate foliage from light green in the spring and summer, to gold in the fall, enhances the beauty of these mountain forests. These forests provide the ecological niches needed for a wide variety of birds and animals. Hole-nesting birds comprise about one-fourth of the bird species in these forests. According to a U.S Forest Service report, western larch timber is used extensively for lumber, fine veneer, long-straight utility poles, railroad ties, mine timbers, and pulpwood. It is also valued for its  high water-yielding forest-areas where management can influence water yield through harvest cuttings and young stand culture. The key characteristics used for the identification of western larch: A larch trees color stands out in forests- pale grass green in summer, yellow in the fall.Needles grow from blunt spurs in groups like  L. laricina  but on hairless twigs.Cones are larger than L. laricina  with visible yellowish, pointed bracts between scales.

Friday, November 22, 2019

4 Things That Surprised me About Self-Publishing an Academic Book

4 Things That Surprised me About Self-Publishing an Academic Book 4 Things That Surprised me About Self-Publishing an Academic Book Joshua Gans is a Professor of Strategic Management  at the University of Toronto. He has been published  in the American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, RAND Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Perspectives, and more. In this article, he talks about his recent book,  Scholarly Publishing and its Discontents, which looks at the market power of journal publishers. The critical nature of this  subject led him to explore  self-publishing for the first time - an experience which surprised him in more ways than one."This is the 21st Century. Please download the free PDF of this book at and use the search function. Trust me, it will be easier."And that was that!Self-publishing has offered me unparalleled freedom, and allowed me to disseminate my work as never before. That being said, my sales are not as high as I have achieved before with traditional publishing. Then again, I haven’t commenced any marketing initiatives other than handing out copies and have broken a few â€Å"rules† - like designing my own book cover. But that’s part of the beauty of self-publishing, doing things your way. This time around I’m going to work at my leisure, update the book with new editions when I want, and do things by one set of rules: my own.Scholarly Publishing and its Discontents  is available in  paperback from Amazon!Head to Joshua's website for more.Joshua published his recent book  because he had an idea he wanted to get out there - not necessarily because he was looking to build a fan base of readers. Can you relate? Leave any thoughts, experiences, or any questions for  Joshua in the comments below.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

No topics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

No topics - Essay Example Police crackdowns can target specific crimes, individuals, or geographic areas. They can involve an increased police presence, a commitment to more severe punishment, or other forms of legal sanctions. In Boston, Kennedy reported on how the local authorities would reach out to the gangs and communicate their intention to reduce violence by bringing every available legal tool to bear on them. This process of 'pulling levers' would dramatically increase the cost to a gang for committing acts of violence. Instead of just one member being arrested and prosecuted for a murder, the system would up the enforcement level of probation, outstanding warrants, and illegal street activities on all the gang members. Sherman reported that similar results were shown in regard to a variety of other settings and crimes. Sherman noted that increased enforcement and greater sanctions can reduce crime. However, the strategy needs to be flexible, because as the crackdown continues it may loose its effectiveness. It may be more effective to move geographical locations and targets on an ongoing basis. Reducing crime in New York City is a never-ending task, as officers put pressure on the streets and target selected criminals and criminal activities.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

3 Speech Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

3 Speech Evaluation - Essay Example The failure to include statistics on other brands gives the impression that the problem may not be endemic after all, because only one chain appears to be responsible for the problem; avoiding that store, you avoid the problem, which I believe is not what the speaker intended. The display of money (a hundred dollars) is a good visual ploy to bring the point home about savings. The speaker also employed sufficient research, although the point about monitoring one’s fast food consumption was not sufficiently made. The closing, â€Å"I’m going to go grab my Big Mac,† was likely an attempt at humor, but it contradicts rather than reinforces the message. All in all, the speaker appears at ease, despite a few nervous pauses to glance at his notes, and in general maintained eye contact with his audience. His face was animated and shows he was connecting with his audience. His tone could have been more lively, but it was not monotonous and is on the whole satisfactory. O verall, the speech was entertaining, slightly humorous, and relatively informative. The opening was a first-person narrative of what turned out to be a Labrador pleading for its life, so it was compelling enough to capture audience attention, and the speaker effectively brings the focus squarely to the welfare of the animals. His research on the law and practice concerning animal experimentation is likewise forceful as it is informative, as it emphasized the gruesome aspects of the use of animals in scientific and medical research and personifies their pain in human terms. What it lacks, however, is balance. The speaker asks the audience to suspend their moral judgment, but at the same time presents information that directly appeals to this moral judgment. To be more objective, the speaker should also have presented alternatives to animal testing, as obviously products and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Determinants and Consequences of Early Marriage in Java Essay Example for Free

Determinants and Consequences of Early Marriage in Java Essay This study analyzes the determinants and patterns of early marriage and explores its consequences on marital dissolution, work status and occupation, migration, and contraceptive use in Java, Indonesia. Data from the 1991 Demographic and Health Survey are obtained on 5816 ever married women, 15-49 years old, living on Java. Early marriage occurs among women before age 20. Subjects are grouped as residing in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Jogyakarta, and Surabaya; residing in townships and other urban areas; and residing in rural areas. Findings indicate that 70% of ever married women in Java married early. Almost 80% of women who were reared in villages married early. 81.2% who still live in rural areas married early. 20% had no formal education. 74% of Muslim women married early. 79% without work before marriage married early. Dissolution was more common among women living in rural areas. 31% of women in rural areas, 20% living in big cities, and 23% living in towns were no longer in their first marriages. Women who married early were 3 times more likely to experience dissolution than women who married later. The percentage of women whose first marriages ended was highest among women who were married the longest. The effect of marriage age on current working status and the pattern of working status between early and late marriage were not significant. 80% had ever used contraception. Women who married late were more mobile and were more likely to have a higher occupational status. Logistic findings indicate that womens education, work status before marriage, husbands education, and current residence were significant predictors of early marriage. Education was the strongest predictor. The probability of dissolution was highest among uneducated, early married, Muslim women living in big cities. The lowest probability was among later married women, living in small cities, and with a tertiary level of education.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sympathy in Beowulf Essay -- Epic Poems, Grendel, Anglo-Saxon

While the classic battle between good and evil forces is a major theme of the medieval epic Beowulf, one may question whether these good and evil forces are as black and white as they appear. Scholars such as Herbert G. Wright claim that â€Å"the dragon, like the giant Grendel, is an enemy of mankind, and the audience of Beowulf can have entertained no sympathy for either the one or the other† (Wright, 4). However, other scholars such as Andy Orchard disagree with this claim, and believe that there is â€Å"something deeply human about the ‘monsters’† (Orchard, 29). While Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon are indeed portrayed as evil and violent foes, there are parts within Beowulf that can also lead a reader to believe that the â€Å"monsters† may not be so monstrous after all. In fact, the author of Beowulf represents the â€Å"monsters† within the poem with a degree of moral ambivalence. This ambivalence ultimately evokes tr aces of sympathy in the reader for the plight of these â€Å"monster† figures, and blurs the fine line between good and evil within the poem. The first opponent Beowulf must face in the land of the Danes is Grendel, textually described as â€Å"a fiend out of hell †¦ [a] grim demon / haunting the marches, / marauding round the heath / and the desolate fens† (Beowulf, line 100 – 104). The author also provides us with a moral description, explaining how Grendel is â€Å"merciless †¦ malignant by nature, he never showed remorse† (line 135-137). As we can see here, the author’s physical and moral portrayal of Grendel is rather unforgiving. We also resent Grendel further once we learn that he has wreaked havoc upon the Heorot hall for twelve years, â€Å"inflicting constant cruelties on the people / atrocious hurt† (line 165). One may wonder ... ...ts treasure, almost an obsession,† then can one really blame am animal acting through instinct and purpose? While destructive, it was indeed the greed and ignorance of man that brought the wrath of the dragon upon Geatland. â€Å"The intruder who broached the dragon’s treasure / and moved him to wrath had never meant to† (line 2215). â€Å"each antagonist struck terror in the other† (line 2565). While the monsters of the poem are the antagonists of the poem, the author still manages to make the reader feel traces of sympathy for them. Grendel’s human depiction, exile and misery tugs at the heart of readers and indeed shows a genuine side to the figure, while Grendel’s mother and the dragon are sympathetic mainly because they were provoked into being attacked over things they both had a deep affection for. Their actions make us question whether they are as evil as they seem.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Presenting information Essay

Present complex internal business information using 3 different methods appropriate to the users need. Easy Jets aims and objectives are to be Europe’s preferred short-haul airline, delivering market leading returns. Subject: Interim report From: Marketing manager The introduction of the Easy Jet app has boosted many aspects of the organisation as a whole. Overall, EasyJet have provided their customers with a very effective mobile app. Making a booking, checking on the flight status and reviewing existing bookings are very easy to do. Though checking in online and downloading a mobile boarding pass is not supported. These are things that a passenger on the move might well want to do.+ Last year, we made 17.4% profit before capital and corporate tax, the app being released early January. Meaning that in 2013, since the app launch, we’ve made a profit off  £647.4 million. Before the launch, last year, the changes in net profits was 6.1%, compared to this year’s profit. 6.1% is an explosive profit margin for an organisation with our scale, size and calibre & over such a short period of time. Analysts point that our profit margins have been rapidly expanding at such an explosive rate because of our application. Before the app, in 2010, our profit was only 121 million, which is not even half of what we’ve made in 2013. This is of course, not only enhancing our disposable income capacity but also reaching our annual financial aims and meeting our objectives. I and the department strongly recommend expanding our influence over the interweb to reach our customers through virtual means and mobiles.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Grievance Redressal System Essay

Broadly, a grievance can be defined as any discontent of dissatisfaction with any aspect of the organization. It can be real or imaginary, legitimate or ridiculous, rated or unvoiced, written or oral, it must be however, find expression in some form of the other. Discontent or dissatisfaction is not a grievance. They initially find expression in the form of a complaint. When a complaint remains unattended to and the employee concerned feels a sense of lack of justice and fair play, the dissatisfaction grows and assumes the status of grievance. Usually grievance relate to problems of interpretation of perceived non-fulfilment of one’s expectation from the organization. Aggrieved employees usually manifest defiant behaviour. The grievance procedure can be divided into two parts:- †¢ A formal grievance redressal process and †¢ An informal process of grievance handling All the employees of the Corporation fall under the broad purview of the grievance redressal system. Handling grievances There are three formal stages in which any grievance can be redressed. Each stage has a ‘form’ which is numbered according to whichever stage it belongs to. A grievance can be of any type ranging from problems regarding promotion to discharge and dismissal, and suspension but it is mandatory that the grievance should be work related and not personal. It is required that the grievance must fall under the following category to be considered one: 1. Amenities 2. Compensation 3. Conditions of work 4. Continuity of service 5. Disciplinary action . Fines 7. Leave 8. Medical benefits 9. Nature of job 10. Payments 11. Promotions 12. Safety environment 13. Super Annuation 14. Supersession 15. Transfers 16. Victimisation The list is indicative and not comprehensive. The apparent because or sources of grievances may always be the real ones. There is need for deeper analysis of the policies, procedures, practices, structures and personality dynamics in the organization to arrive at the real causes of grievances. Grievances stem from management policies and practices, particularly when they lack consistency, fair play and the desired level of flexibility. Grievances also may arise because of intra-personal problems of individual employees and union practices aimed at reinforcing and consolidating their bargaining, strength. The absence of proper two-way flow of communication can indeed be a fertile ground for breeding grievances. Individual or Collective (Group) Grievances The International Labour Organisation (ILO) defines a grievance as a complaint of one or more workers with respect to wages and allowances, conditions of work and interpretation of service, condition covering such areas as overtime, leave, transfer, promotion, seniority, job assignment and termination of service. The National Commission on Labour observed that â€Å"complaints† affecting one or more individual workers in respect of their wage payments, overtime, leave, transfer, promotion seniority, work assignment and discharge would constitute grievances. It is important to make a distinction between individual grievances and group grievances. If the issue involved relate to one or a few individual employees, it needs to be handled through a grievance procedure, but when general issues with policy implications and wider interest are involved they become the subject matter for collective bargaining. Reasons for grievances Grievances occur for a variety of reasons: Economic Wage fixation, wage computation, overtime, bonus Employees feel they are getting less than what they ought to get Working Environment Poor working conditions, defective equipment and machinery, tools, materials. Supervision Disposition of the boss towards the employee perceived notions of favoritism, nepotism, bias etc. Work Group Strained relations or incompatibility with peers. Feeling of neglect, obstruction and victimisation. Work Organisation Rigid and unfair rules, too much less work responsibility, lack of recognition. Effects of Grievances Grievances can have several effects which are essentially adverse and counterproductive to organizational purposes. The adverse effects include: a. Loss of interest in work and consequent lack of moral and commitment b. Poor quality of production c. Low productivity d. Increase in wastage and costs e. Increase in employee turnover f. Increase in the incidence of accidents g. Indiscipline h. Unrest, etc. Do’s and Don’ts in Grievance Handling – Check Lists All the points are not applicable to every case, but if the supervisor is familiar with all of them and observe them in his handling of grievances, he will be prepared for almost any kind of case that may arise.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Write a Technology Essay Simple Steps for a Difficult Paper

How to Write a Technology Essay Simple Steps for a Difficult Paper Need advice on how to write a technology essay? Technology is a vast and evolving field and it involves a wide variety of subjects within. Writing on technology can involve researching how it solves problems, creates new problems in the environment and in contemporary society, and how the interaction with technology advancements is changing the humankind. In this article, you will find a complete technology essay writing guide and some interesting ideas to help you get started. We will break down the challenging writing process into manageable parts. Keep reading to learn about effective strategies that will help you improve your writing, avoid common mistakes, and create an outstanding essay on technology. What Is a Technology Essay? A technology essay is similar to other essays at college so you need to answer a specific research question by developing a convincing argument that is based on relevant evidence and critical reasoning. Like any academic essay, it is a large project that involves completing several steps before you hand it in such as analyzing the question, gathering resources, information, and evidence, developing a plan (outline), getting the rough draft done, editing, and proofreading. A technology essay must include some key elements: a clear introduction with a strong thesis statement; body paragraphs that are logically structured and include supporting evidence from scholarly sources; an impressive concluding paragraph that restates your essay topic and summarizes the key points and the thesis statement. To succeed in writing an impressive technology essay, you’ll need to demonstrate your understanding of a topic and apply critical thinking skills to provide a deep analysis of a variety of academic sources to support your argument. Before you start working on your essay, it’s important to have a good idea of what type of essay you are required to write, for example: comparative essay; argumentative essay; interpretative essay; analytical essay; cause and effect essay; problem and solution essay; response essay etc. You should pay attention to the language of the question. Task words such as analyze, review, compare, explore etc. indicate the type of essay you are supposed to complete and suggest the most appropriate structure you should follow. For example, if the question in your assignment includes such words as investigate, discuss or analyze, you need to write an analytical technology essay. You have to structure your essay to break the topic into several components and discuss them in different sections or paragraphs, trying to keep the balance where it is possible. Steps in Doing Research for Your Technology Essay Writing Wondering how to get started? Follow these easy steps. Understand Your Assignment Re-read the assignment sheet and find out what kind of technology essay your instructor has assigned. You can also look for additional information in the textbooks. For example, you may be asked to choose a technology topic for an analysis and response essay and to research 3 or more perspectives on an issue. Find an Interesting Technology Topic Idea Select a broad topic you are interested in and then narrow it so that it would be possible to cover it in your technology essay. For example, you may be interested in data mining. It’s a broad topic so you should choose some aspect of this topic and write, for example, about basic data mining strategies for business or predictive analytics. Not sure which technology topic to choose? Look over the topic list below to find an idea that really interests you. Are Virtual Reality Technologies Beneficial? Should Human Cloning Be Banned? What Is Your Attitude to International Surrogacy? How Did Technology Change the World? Is It Ethical to Genetically Engineer People? Is Artificial Intelligence Dangerous? What Is the Future of Smart Homes? What Should Be Done to Overcome the Digital Divide? Are Brain-controlling Technologies Dangerous? Do Technologies Make Us Lazy? How Is DNA Information Forming Our Identities? Why Do People Become Addictive To Technologies? Why Are Nuclear Weapons Dangerous? How Is Augmented Reality Changing Education? How Can You Prove That Global Warming Is Real? What Is the Impact Of Cloud Computing? Benefits of Open-source Software How Important Is Managing Social Networking Profiles? Are Social Media Making People Lonely? How Can New Technologies Help In Treating Mental Illnesses? It’s important to take into account your assignment requirements. For example, if you have to write a position, argument or a cause and effect essay, you will need to explore and discuss different perspectives but you will have to use your answer to the assignment question as your thesis statement. Find Relevant Sources and Read about Your Topic When you find a topic that you like, you can learn more about that specific issue by finding relevant articles in authoritative online sources or Google Scholar. You can also look for more articles on technology issues in your college library. A good idea is to check such magazines as Popular Scientist, Scientific American or Discover although they are for the non-technical audience. If you want to find breaking news and research, you can check Science Daily. Select a Research Question Write out a specific question for doing research and make a list of other issues related to your topic that you can use as keywords for your further research. You can also use other questions to broaden your perspective and find more interesting ideas. Use Keywords to Find Other Sources You can use search engines to find technology articles but make sure that all of them are from credible authoritative sources. When reading articles on technology that you have found, you can also follow links in them to find good primary sources and academic articles. Make Notes as You Read Sources You should write down interesting ideas that you can use for citing and paraphrasing when writing your technology essay. Make sure you include all the necessary information about every source such as the title, the author’s name, the date of publication etc. You can write down this information on a spreadsheet or on separate cards for each source. You will need this information when making a references page. Making an Outline When you have gathered enough relevant material, you need to use different brainstorming techniques to organize your ideas and think about the structure of your technology essay. You have to make a detailed outline that will help you stay focused on the topic you have chosen and work more productively. Besides, a detailed outline will allow you to avoid the writer’s block because you’ll be able to start writing your essay from any part. The structure of your essay will depend on its specific type. For example, when writing an argumentative technology essay, you will need to take a position on a particular topic and present convincing arguments to support it. An effective technique to do it is to present the opposing view and counter this particular view with stronger evidence. Then the structure of your essay may look like this. Introduction: Background information on a topic; Thesis statement; Overview of the arguments you are going to present (structure) Body Paragraphs: Paragraph 1 A topic sentence that presents the first argument; Sentences where you give explanations and provide evidence to support the topic sentence; Concluding sentence with a link to the next paragraph Following body paragraphs have the same structure. Conclusion: Summary of the key points of the body; Restatement of your position. Writing and Revising the First Draft of an Essay on Technology This is typically the hardest part of working on your technology project and the trick is to take advantage of your outline, stick to your rough plans regarding the length of your paragraphs, and not be too fussy. You have read lots of sources and have lots of great ideas in your head so your task is to get them out on to a computer or to paper. You don’t have to pay attention to your grammar or spelling at this stage because you’ll need to do lots of revising and rewriting to make your technology essay perfect in content and style. You’ll correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes when you finish the final draft. A good idea is to create rough drafts for each paragraph in the body of your essay. Many students use this technique and for good reason. Writing a project of 1000 or more words may seem a complex task but it will seem easier if you break it down to writing 3 rough paragraphs of about 230-240 words each. Introduction You should begin your introductory paragraph with an attention grabber. It can be: a provocative question; impressive statistics; an inspiring story; a shocking fact; a quote etc. You should also provide background information that introduces your topic and presents your thesis statement – the main point of your technology essay. For example, if the topic of your technology essay is machine learning and its impact on society, your thesis statement can be like this: ‘Artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing our lives, having a profound impact on business and this impact is constantly growing in scope.’ To help your readers follow your argument, you can also outline the structure of your essay. Body Paragraphs In the body, you need to argue, explain or describe your topic. Your essay will consist of as many body paragraphs as the number of main ideas that you have outlined to present your argument. Keep in mind that each body paragraph should have the same basic structure. You have to begin every paragraph in the body of your essay with a topic sentence that actually presents one point to support your thesis statement. Next, you have to write some supporting ideas and give good examples to back your position. Make sure you link supporting ideas together and end each body paragraph with a concluding sentence providing a link to the next paragraph. You should use different transition words to connect ideas in your sentences and help your audience follow your argument, for example: however; on the other hand; in addition; specifically; considering (this); moreover; even more; instead. But before you use any transition word, make sure you completely understand its meaning and know exactly how it can be used to present the logic of your technology essay. Conclusion In the conclusion, you have to sum up your overall ideas and provide a final perspective on the topic of your essay. There is no need to make your concluding paragraph too long. You can write several strong sentences that review your key points and restate your thesis. When you finish your rough draft, you have to reread it several times to see what changes you might like to make. You may need to go back to your resources to find more evidence to support your ideas or even check your essay question again. You can make changes to present your paragraphs in a different order or even change your main argument. That’s why it’s important to start working on your technology essay as early as possible so that you could have enough time for revising and rewriting. Tips from Our Writers on Editing and Proofreading When you are satisfied with the content and the logic of your final draft, it’s time to edit and proofread it. You can use the following editing checklist. Make sure that you have completely answered all parts of the assignment question; Check your essay’s structure and make sure that it has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Check a structure within every paragraph; Does every paragraph have a topic sentence? Check transition words and transition sentences to ensure that each paragraph is linked; Check your introduction and conclusion; Make sure you have used all words correctly and improve your word choice if necessary. Improve the sentence structure as well; Fix grammar and spelling mistakes and check your commas; Check your references to ensure that they meet the requirements of a specific style (APA, MLA etc.)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Make Homemade Lye Using Two Ingredients

How to Make Homemade Lye Using Two Ingredients Lye is a chemical used for a variety of purposes, including making soap, performing chemistry demonstrations, making biodiesel, curing food, unclogging drains, disinfecting floors and toilets, and synthesizing drugs. Because it can be used to make illegal drugs, lye may be hard to find in a store. However, you can make the chemical yourself, using a method popular in colonial days. The resulting lye is potassium hydroxide. Lye can be either potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide. The two chemicals are similar, but not identical, so if you are making lye to use for a project, make certain its potash-based lye you need. Materials for Making Lye You only need two ingredients for making homemade lye: AshesWater The best ash comes from hardwood trees or from kelp. Softwoods, such as pine or fir, are better if you want to use the lye to make a liquid or soft soap. To prepare the ash, simply burn wood completely and collect the remains. You may also collect ash from other sources, such as paper, but expect chemical contaminants that may be undesirable if the lye is to be used for soap. Safety Information You can adapt the method using materials available to you, but keep in mind three important points: Use glass, plastic, or wood to process and collect the lye. Lye reacts with metal.The process gives off noxious vapors, especially if you heat the lye to make it more concentrated. Make lye outdoors or in a well-ventilated shed. This is not a project you want to undertake inside your home.Lye is a corrosive strong base. Wear gloves and eye protection, avoid inhaling vapors, and avoid skin contact. If you splash lye water on your hands or clothes, immediately rinse the affected area with water. Process To Make Lye Basically, all you need to do to make lye is soak the ashes in water. This yields a slurry of residue in a potassium hydroxide solution. You need to drain the lye water and then, if desired, may concentrate the solution by heating it to remove excess water. In summary: mix the ash and water, allow time for the reaction, filter the mixture, and collect the lye. One method that has been used for hundred of years, if not longer, is to use a wooden barrel with a cork near the bottom. These are available from brewing supply stores. Place stones at the bottom of the barrel.Cover the stones with a layer of straw or grass. This serves to filter the solids from the ash.Add ashes and water to the barrel. You want enough water to fully saturate the ashes, but not so much that the mixture is watery. Aim for a slurry.Allow the mixture to react 3 days to a week.Test the concentration of the solution by floating an egg in the barrel. If a coin-size area of the egg floats above the surface, the lye is sufficiently concentrated. If it is too dilute, you may need to add more ashes.Collect lye water by removing the cork at the bottom of the barrel.One way to increase the concentration of the solution is to run this liquid through ashes again.If you need to concentrate the lye, you can either let water evaporate out of the collection bucket or you can heat the solution. Its okay to use a cast iron or stainless steel pot. Modern adaptations of the old technique involve using plastic or glass buckets with spigots rather than wooden barrels. Some people drip rainwater from a gutter into the lye bucket. Rain water tends to be soft or slightly acidic, which helps with the leaching process. Its not necessary to clean out the reaction barrel or bucket to make more lye. You can keep adding water or ashes to produce a constant supply of the chemical.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Arguments Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Arguments Paper - Essay Example However, despite the blame being directed to Al-Qaida terrorist groups, some experts are skeptical of the position arguing that the incidence was an inside job and was therefore stage-managed, providing evidence to assert their argument (Fetzer Par. 1). The purpose of this paper is to examine why the attack on 9/11 on World Trade Center is considered duplicity and not a terrorist attack as was alleged by President Bush’s administration. It will also discuss the limitations associated with such opposing views, my understanding of the incidence, as well as why I consider my understanding better than the opposing views. Those who opposed the argument that the incidence of September 11 was a terrorist attack mainly claim that the incidence was an inside job, stage-managed by the Bush administration (Fetzer Par. 2). They argue that the whole incidence was a video fakery that the Bush administration used to deceive the masses after stage-managing the incidence in order to get support for waging war against Al-Qaida in Afghanistan and Iraq (Fetzer Par. 4). After conducting a thorough analysis on the incidence, no evidence could be found to link Muslims to the attack. This is due to the fact that the government has since failed to provide concrete evidence to show that the alleged hijackers did board the planes according to Elias Davidsson (Fetzer Par. 6). After conducting an analysis on the alleged phone calls made prior to the incidence, none could actually be authenticated as David Ray Griffin argues that the alleged phone calls were faked (Fetzer Par. 7). The government’s failure to produce t he remaining parts of the four planes for inspection also raises questions. This is also the case with the envelop which has never been produced by the government since the incidence occurred (Fetzer Par. 8). In addition, they questions why there was too much delay in the deregistration of the corresponding